Saturday, February 18, 2012

Entertaining Americans

I live with my phone. It's by my side, at all times. Seriously. I even take it to the bathroom with me and while I shower. Ok, not IN the shower, but in the bathroom, as I shower. Do not judge. I guess I'm afraid I'll miss an important phone call or something? Throughout the day, I'll find myself checking Facebook and Twitter constantly, checking the timeline to see who's gotten engaged and posted it by saying, "I said yes!", who's pooped for the day and let FB know, who's child is playing in the street and now that parent wants to beat them, teenage girls and some mothers posting pictures of weird ducks...oh, wait...(and this I'm somewhat guilty of myself), the sermons. And the list goes on. Have you tried to go one day without FB? If so, good for you. Because, I haven't been able to, except when I was in Branson two summers ago, where there was no 3G. They have thousands of tourists a year but no 3G. Go figure. The sad thing was, I was on family vacation and in such a cranky mood because I couldn't text or check FB and Twitter. I wouldn't be blogging this if I thought I was the only one in this boat. I'm not. There are hundreds, thousands and even millions of Americans who do the very same thing. It's a world of technology and always having to be amused by something.

This blog thought comes from a book that I just read in my Lit class. Neil Postman wrote a book called "Amusing Ourselves to Death". If you've not read it, you should! It's a great read and will open your eyes about the desperate and very sad need that Americans have for media, technology and television. When he wrote this book, texting, FB and Twitter were not even in the picture yet. I'd love to hear what he has to say about this, today. As I write this post, I'm preaching to myself, as well. I think everybody is guilty of this, to a point. Some, more than others. At least, those that have smart phones, FB, Twitter, etc.   Remember chat rooms such as First Church, the social network Everyone's Connected and MySpace? Those were times, right before smart phones took over the world. It didn't seem as much of an addiction because the only way you could access them was through a computer, which unless it was a laptop, you wouldn't haul it everywhere you go. Then the smart phones came out, with the apps and there went America. The internet in your hands. So, how were Americans being entertained before smart phones and social networks? Television. They still are. The world of technology, Apple products, game apps, social networks, smart phones, etc., have only added more entertainment to the grandmother of them all, which is television. And in my opinion, in 2012, television and the internet are no different. You can see most of what you see on television, on the internet. Its not a theory or thought. It's the truth. With smart phones, there's always something to keep us entertained. If FB is boring, head over to Twitter. If that's boring, go play Angry Birds or post on Pinterest. These are all ways that we are kept entertained. In "Amusing Ourselves to Death", Postman made a remark about Americans and television, which is extremely sad when you think about it, "The result of all this is that Americans are the best entertained and quite likely the least well-informed people in the Western world". He goes on to state that, "...70 percent of our citizens do not know who is the Secretary of State or the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court". I can guarantee that more people can remember the highlights of the Grammy's, from last week, myself included. My generation only knows the world of technology and being entertained 24/7.

Entertainment bleeds over into everything. In the years of Abraham Lincoln, political debates would last for hours, upon hours, sometimes a couple days. People would stand around, intently listening and getting involved. Now, campaigns are on television, while opponents attack one another, with viewers only being able to be captivated for a couple hours, at most. News stories do not go over 45 seconds, normally, until it's on to a new one, then they break for commercials, at which point the newscaster goes from telling about a child being murdered, to a quirky "Now a word from our sponsor", going straight into a McDonald's commercial. News channels do this because Americans get bored with long news stories. It's all about being entertained, always needing something new, otherwise we'll lose interest. Student ministries go above and beyond to doing the craziest gimmicks in youth services, because they need to captivate and hold the attention of their students, otherwise they'll clock out. I guess God isn't good enough to captivate a students attention or something. While teaching my Sunday school class, I listen as the students constantly talk about video games and favorite movies, but when I ask a question about the lesson, I get a blank stare. Sitting at dinner with a table full of family and friends the other night, I look down and everybody is on their phone. It just seems like a natural way of life. Recent studies have proven that FB and Twitter are more addictive than 1. Drugs 2. Sex and 3. Alcohol. Sadly, this is our world. It's a world of entertainment and it's taken Americans, especially the younger generation, myself included, as prisoners.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sunday School Chronicles: My animated words.

You can run but you cannot hide. A saying that cannot be any truer. Problems do not just "go away". You can block them out, ignore them and do your very best to act like they don't exist, but the truth is, they don't go away. They will always be there, until you face them head on. December, I had to face something I have been running from, for two years. 

If you've been following the Sunday School Chronicles section of my blog, you'll know that I shared the very beginnings of how I got involved with kids ministry, which I will pick back up in the next Sunday School Chronicles post. This particular post seemed fitting for what I'm going to share. This is coming from my heart. When you're doing something you love, you ignore the amount of hours, dedication, sacrifice and commitment you invest into it. You're enjoying it. That's all that matters. This was the case for four years, with me in kids ministry. Nothing else mattered. I would devote hours upon hours, with projects and activities. I would create countless things to do. I can remember spending entire paychecks on supplies, curriculum, music and many other things for the Sunday School department. If you asked me, this was not a sacrifice to me. It was my passion and I had no problem or reservation in investing into it. It was also my heartbeat and unfortunately the enemy knew this. During this four year span, I would write a lot of our curriculum, as well as puppet scripts, dramas, musicals, etc. I remember in school, my teachers would tell my parents, "She needs to pursue something in writing. There's a talent there.". As I was writing our curriculum, among other things, my dad told me, "Charity, your gift is in writing and children's ministry. God gave you this talent. Don't ignore it.". Unfortunately, I did ignore it. Fortunately, God's a jealous God.

Two years ago, I started my business, Dainty Button. I never knew it would take off like it did or be as successful as it has been. It's been a great blessing in my life, but a distraction. I was tired. I had poured my heart into our kids ministry for four years and I was spent. My energy was gone and I was tired. I was looking for something different and look what popped up. Something to zap up the hours and minutes of my life and take my focus from what I know I was supposed to be doing. For the past two years I've seen something I've worked so hard at and invest so much into suffer, which is Graceland Kidz and children's ministry. My heart was somewhere else, entirely. I look back and it breaks my heart. I ask myself, "How could I have let this happen? How could four years of investment just mean nothing?". I have struggled so much with resentment in myself and even my business, for allowing this to effect something so beautiful and wonderful in my life, that was birthed from a deep burden. A year ago someone very impressionable upon my life, spoke something to me. I knew what they meant but I stubbornly blocked it out of my mind. Little did I know that a year later, that sacrifice would come very easily, for me. At that time in my life, it would've been a great sacrifice. The past two years I feel like I have ran a marathon. Running, running, running. And in December I could run, no more. You can't outrun God. You just can't. You can try with every ounce of energy you can muster up, but it's impossible. 

In November, the pastoral staff asked if the kids ministry was doing anything special for the Christmas program. I thought we could do a couple songs and read the Christmas story. It would be cute and simple. The Sunday school staff and parents were very persuasive in changing my mind. Two years ago, our kids ministry performed a Christmas musical, in which I wrote. It was the first musical I had ever written and it was a huge hit. Ironically, a month later I started my business. The church and staff remembered that and thought it would be nice to do something again. I cringed, inside. I did not want to do this. It was too much work and it was the holiday season, in which I was extremely busy. I remember telling God, "If it's meant to do a large program and I'm supposed to write it, then I need a sign.". Two nights later, I was woken up out of a dead sleep at 4 in the morning, with my mind racing. I knew that feeling and voice. I sat straight up out of bed, grabbed a pad of paper and pen and started writing. And writing. I wrote until the sun came up, tears streaming down my face. It was the first time I had written anything in two years. It was at that moment that I knew I had to quit running and face the music. This was my calling. Impacting children with my words. In December, I decided to return to school, finishing my degree, which is now journalism and use Dainty Button as a means to get myself through college.

There have been countless times that people have said, "Charity, you need to write a children's book.". Easier said than done. I remember, as a child, dreaming of writing a children's book. As I got older, the thought was not far from my mind, but I never really pursued or entertained it much. I have the tendency of sharing great plans and ideas with friends and family and not because I'm a liar, but life happens and those plans, sometimes get forgotten. In early January, as I sat with my parents sharing with them that I think I wanted to really pursue writing a children's book, I decided I would keep this to myself, until the time was right. I've had years of ideas for a book. My mind is an interesting place. Ha! Even though I have many ideas, for the past month, I've been diving into children's books, Disney and animated movies, Adventures in Odyssey, etc., getting inspiration, brainstorming and gathering more ideas. I've also prayed consistently about this. Once, I knew God had given me direction and a plan, I started looking for an illustrator. And guess what? I found one. I met with him, this afternoon. I delivered the story plot, as well as ideas of where I wanted this to go and we have officially begun the creative, illustrating and writing process of my first children's book, which will technically not be a "book" in the traditional format, but an action packed series of animated comic books, which will be mainstream Christian, focusing on real life situations that children face, while building character. We're hoping for it to hit the publisher this Spring. I'm unbelievably excited about this new chapter in my life, in which just like many other things, I will share this adventure with you, through my blog.

God's mercy and grace overwhelm me, at times. Two years of this little "detour" in my life, has taught me one thing. Mercy. No, two things. Don't be stupid and try and do things your way. His mercy far exceeds anything I can comprehend or fathom. I will never understand why He never gives up on us, but I'm so glad He doesn't. I can't imagine a world, with no mercy. I pray the words that fall on paper will show my gratitude.


Friday, February 3, 2012

Skirting Around

"I'm not a risk taker. I don't do plunging necklines or really short skirts. I try to stay as classy as possible 
and provide a little mystery." - Kristen Bell

Growing up in school, I was always asked, "Why do you always wear skirts?" and I would sheepishly say, "because" and quickly change the subject. I thought it would sound stupid if I said, "It's against my religion.". In Oklahoma EVERYBODY is religious, for the most part, so it would just bring up another question, followed with another question and I really didn't feel like getting into a religious debate over this issue at 10 years old. My dad gave me some very good advice when I was in school, as I mentioned how everybody asked why I always wore skirts and they made fun of me, especially when it was cold outside. They thought it was dumb that I wore a skirt, even though I had on tights and about 3 pairs of socks, in frigid 30 degree weather. The advice he gave me was this, "Charity, the next time someone asks you this, respond with, "Wouldn't it be really weird seeing all these boys walking around wearing skirts?". As I grew older, my dad gave me this great illustration. What signs represent the Women and Men's restroom? It's the universal symbol. It separates the women from 
the men. Simple as that. 


As I grew older, I could care less what others thought of how I dressed and why I only wore skirts. This could be because I was home schooled throughout high school, so my only "school" peers were my family. Ha! But as I started working a public job and going to college, when someone would ask, I would say, "I grew up only wearing skirts and it's just my preference.". I left it at that. I never went into a spill of the reasons behind it, unless someone was genuinely curious. When it comes to my religious beliefs, I've proceeded with caution. I strongly believe that your actions speak louder than your words and people will respect that. If the opportunity or door opens to discuss your faith and belief, anybody with common sense will sense that and all else will fall into place. I don't want others cramming their religious beliefs down my throat, and I would imagine they wouldn't want the same, either. I've learned that living in the melting pot of North America, everything goes. People ask because they're curious and even intrigued, not out of judgment. Trust me, me wearing a skirt all the time is extremely mundane and boring compared to everything else you see in San Francisco. Young girls (if you're reading this), a skirt stands out. It's classy, feminine and is a nice breath of fresh air for many, when they see you in a skirt. If girls can dye their hair every color under the sun and pierce every body part, I'm sure wearing a skirt all 
the time isn't such an eyesore. 

But what if you did say, "It's against my religion."? So what? The Muslims pray 5 times a day. The Jews don't eat certain types of food. Catholics walk around with ashes on their forehead, for an entire day, in reverence to "Ash Wednesday". Jehovah Witness don't believe in holidays. Monks take a vow of silence. Nuns take a vow of celibacy. Did you know that Senior Digambar Monks of Jainism, go naked? That'll make people be grateful to see you in a skirt all the time. Hundreds and thousands of other religions practice their beliefs with conviction. Wear it proud, ladies! 

Let's Not Skirt Around the Issue

Times are very different than when I was in school. Skirts are all the rage. Hmph, funny. In fact, within the last two years, they've trended tremendously. As always wearing skirts, I welcome this with open arms, as I'm sure any other skirt wearing lady does. With the help of my best friend, I decided to celebrate this. 

I'm a full time student, majoring in Journalism. In the meantime, I happen to have a little accessories business, which helps carry me through college, without starving. Ok, I might be a little dramatic, when I say that. I put two years of focus and dedication into this business, but life has a funny way of changing things and now, as I mentioned, it's a means to get me through college and a fabulous little hobby. Since going back to school (I've taken a couple years off), my friends and family have been extremely supportive and helpful. They have gone out of their way to help make my life a little easier, as I focus on my studies. Case in point: Deana (my best friend) happens to own a business So What Industries, which is tailor made men's business casual and dress shirts. She's absolutely amazing. Seriously. Last year, we partnered up and launched a men and boy's accessory collection with my little business, Dainty Button. This has been quite a hit, I might add. A couple weeks ago, I had this brainstorm after she had worn the most adorable maxi skirt and confessed to making it. What?!! Charity's little mind was going crazy with the possibilities. To sum this up, we put our heads together and have partnered together to design knit maxi skirts. This was perfect. It helped take the load off of me, while I finish school up this year, while meeting both of our needs. So, I design and she tailor makes them. Now before you think, "Oh, I can go buy that at Target.". Wrong. The difference is you're investing into two individuals, not a money hungry corporate business that hires little children to do their dirty work. Ok, I might be wrong about the little children part, but it drew a very nice picture, yeah? These are not some cute skirts we've found at wholesale and decided to resell them, nor are they cheaply made. You're helping a student get an education and a young woman make ends meet. And now that I've pitched this great sales pitch, let me continue with my point. The thing is, although skirts have trended, it's still difficult at times, to find really cute skirts that are just that perfect fit, while being super cute. I put these two into consideration, when I decided to do this little project and here's what Deana and I came up with. Please note, you can purchase these skirts at Dainty Button. Below, I've dissected each photo with what I've paired each skirt with. The explanation to this is following the photo gallery.

Tee: Target
Wrap: BCBG 
Skirt: Dainty Button
Tights: Forever 21
Boots: Steve Madden (These boots, I wear with EVERYTHING! They're great!)

Tee: Target
Skirt: Dainty Button
Scarf: Old Navy

Tee: H & M
Sweater Wrap: Nordstrom Rack
Skirt: Dainty Button

Blouse: Forever 21
Skirt: Dainty Button

And here's my partner in crime, Miss Deana. We make a good team!

When I posted the pictures on Facebook, I was asked if the entire ensembles were for sale. No, folks. I'm not that good. I just like fashion. I'm asked often, about my wardrobe and how do I think of putting certain colors and styles together. To be honest, I just throw things together. If it looks good, great! I hate a matchy matchy look. While I don't like a matchy matchy look, I also don't like looking like a complete hot mess. It all depends on how you shop and put things together. For example, I love Forever 21. In fact, I could spend a fortune in that store. You would hardly ever guess looking at my wardrobe that the majority of the ensemble is from Forever 21. Here's what I look for when I shop:

1. A busy skirt? Look for something solid. Too many patterns can make you look like a clown. The same thing applies to a blouse. 
2. Not matching is a GOOD thing. Matching is out. ALTHOUGH, you don't want to look like a crayon box. I try to keep to a color scheme. Example; earth tones, rich jewel tones offset with a little black, pastels with maybe a brown, grey and brown look good together, etc.
3. I try to mix my wardrobe up. A chameleon of sort. It keeps it interesting. 
4. A fedora or hat of some sort needs to be in your wardrobe, somewhere.
5. Accessorize but don't look like a walking Claire's. Add a cute belt, scarf, etc. 

Have you ever done a polyvore? You know those pictures you see in the fashion magazines that have different items pieced together, making one fabulous outfit? Ok, well there's a website for that. I created an account and started piecing. My username is CharityBrooke. It's so much fun! Here's a few things I put together, to give you an idea of what I might piece together.

Polyvore #1

This is more of a preppy look, but with these shoe options, the look can totally change.

Polyvore #2

The glasses, I'd probably pair with the green flats option.

Polyvore #3

This dress doesn't need much. Classy and a little understated is always nice, occasionally.

Polyvore #4

Brown and grey look great together!

Polyvore #5

Polyvore #6

I would put either one of these blouses with this skirt and the same for the shoes. Nautical is classic.

Polyvore #7

LAST ONE! You CANNOT forget a LBD. You can't go wrong with a pair of colorful shoes and a black dress. You just can't.

How about you try putting something together? Go check out It's a blast!

Let's have some fun, shall we?

Want a chance to win The Heather Maxi Maxine skirt (yes, I named it)? 

We're doing a little giveaway : ) Here's the simple rules:

An entry for each of these counts:

1 ENTRY = share this on Facebook Dainty Button on FB
2 ENTRIES= follow us on twitter Dainty Button on Twitter
3 ENTRIES = follow this blog and comment below that you follow

The giveaway ends Monday, February 6th at 11:59 PM (PST). Good luck!

And with these parting words of Pink, I will bid you goodbye...

"Cameron Diaz was so cute at the MTV Movie Awards when she pulled her skirt up and wiped her armpits."

Keep it classy, ladies.
