Sunday, January 22, 2012

School, Strawberries and Football

Are you familiar with that feeling when you check your surroundings and ask yourself,"There's really people like this, that make up part of the human population?". There are a handful of places, such as this. To name a few, Walmart, Popeye's in the ghetto, Social Security office, Dollar Tree and my math class. I began school this past week and I'm very confident I chose great classes, this semester, except my math class. For some reason, I feel like it chose me. My first day back began with my math class. As classmate after classmate started to drag their leg, sag and shimmy in, it didn't take me long to realize that I was going to be the classiest person, in this class. By the end of the week, I realized I was going to probably be the only person that passes this class.

My instructor is a nice guy, except for the fact that he brings these ice breaker balls with him. You throw them around, wherever your thumb lands, you have to answer that question. Prior to answering it, you have to stand and introduce yourself, even though you've already introduced yourself 10 times previously, and the class talks back to you, ending with an applause. It's very awkward. I was assigned a study group for the semester. I feel like I'll be the only one studying. They've already asked to copy my homework. They have a bright future. I just know it.  A summary of my math class, so far....

1. First day of school, the instructor greeting us realizes he has the wrong class and abruptly walks out. I've seen him a few times since then. I hope he got everything worked out.

2. Our instructor sent us on a scavenger hunt, in which I hated.

3. A latino classmate swears he can speak Italian. He can't.

4. The "f" bomb is dropped at least 4 times in each class.

5. There is a girl that thinks we're going to be BFF. There's also a guy that thinks we're going to be more than BFF. I'm going to be such a letdown, to both.

6. The highest I've seen a pant waistline on the male population, is mid butt. 

I feel very confident about this class.

My other classes are great....

Western Civilization

1. I love history, so this makes me happy.
2. My instructor is from Tulsa, OK., part of the NRA, collects firearms, referred to God (positively) about 3 times in the first class and said he prays for every student.
3. There was a baby in a sling, in class on Friday.

Political Science

 My instructor is super liberal and thinks America is awful. I have a gut feeling part of our final grade will be burning the American flag.


I got kicked out of this course, on the first day. Apparently, I'm too advanced and my transcripts and test scores place me two classes above. This is good and bad. Good, because I only have two courses left before I walk in December and it's always nice being told you're really smart. Bad, because the course I need to be in might be full. It would've been nice to know I was such a genius before the first day of class.

 I'll be honest. I was exhausted this past week. I haven't even been able to put in any hours with my business. It amazes me how much life can change within just a couple weeks. Honestly? I thought I would miss working full time with my lil' business, but I don't. I guess when your priorities are elsewhere, it just kinda falls into place. Now, that I've gotten into the swing of a schedule, I feel confident this next week, will be a little smoother. I've found myself thinking about the future and trying to get an idea of where I'd like to use my major. I've not worked a full time public job in over two years and I'm a little anxious to get back out there, especially with a degree to have on my resume. The possibilities are endless and I'm excited to see where it takes me.

I was anxious to finally have a free weekend. I say free because for over the past two years, I have had some sort of work project, deadline or task to do, on a weekend. When you own your own business and are focused on getting it up and running, weekends are not really "weekends". This weekend, though? Nothing. I slept in, enjoyed the rain and made chocolate covered strawberries. I also, experienced the loss of the 49ers. I'm from San Francisco, so it was a little impossible to not get wrapped up in the festivities of the play off game. The thing is, I'm not into sports. Neither is my mom. We were on our own this weekend and somehow found ourselves in a warm car, not wanting to get out in the cold, eating yogurt, while listening to the game. It ended badly. My mom is very competitive, so she got a little violent. I'm very emotional, so it got intense. It ended with both of us mad, upset, sad and sweaty, thanks to a warm car. We had no idea what players were were screaming at. For all we know, we were cheering on the Giants quarterback. But, it was fun. I might give sports a try, with the right dosage of Prozac and a good punching bag. 

 So with this, I will bid you goodnight. It's back to meth...I mean, math class, tomorrow.


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