Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday School Chronicles: I Got Played

The Sunday School Chronicles:

I'm by no means, a veteran Sunday School teacher. In fact, there's still so much that I want and NEED to learn about kids ministry. I have however, been over our church's kids ministry for 6 years. I helped birth a successful kids ministry from a home missions church in the heart of San Francisco. I've seen the good, bad and ugly. I've had food thrown at me. I've been cussed at. I've had to dodge fists from angry bus kids. I've gone into living rooms and helped bus kids get ready for Sunday school, as their mom was passed out on a couch with a hangover, from the night before. I've stood on the porch of a bus girls home, waiting for her, while in the meantime, her dad was doing a drug deal 5 feet in front of me. This is no cute Sunday school program. Over the past few years, I've had several individuals email, write and call me, asking how I've done it. Well, here it is. This is me, chronicling my 6 year (and counting) journey through this ministry God has called me to. I pray these chronicles will enlighten, encourage and motivate you.

I got played...

Six years ago, my sister asked me to cover her midweek kids class at Bible Study. I'm still covering for her, today.

I was not supposed to be involved with kids ministry. Or, so I thought. I was the youth pastor at our home missions church and enjoying it, very much. My sister was over the kids ministry. It was just how it was supposed to be. My sister, working at a preschool, was a natural for this job. I liked kids, but not enough to be over a kids ministry. Or, so I thought. Apparently, I don't think well. Our church was very small at this time, with not many children. Maybe 5, although I'm not sure one was actually a child. Maybe more of a little monster? When my sister asked me if I could cover for her because she had to work late, I agreed but had no clue what I was getting myself into. This is how it went down...

And the award for "Epic Fail Sunday School Teacher" goes to...

I'm pretty sure I was more scared of the kids, than they were scared of me. I had no clue what I was doing. I was used to teaching teenagers, making them do gross stuff, like chug a gallon of milk for a candy bar. I taught on Adam and Eve and I'm pretty sure I told it quicker than it took God to make them. They colored a picture and that was it. We sat there, just staring at each other. They asked me if they got snack and I told them, "water". They thought I was joking. I wasn't. What kind of Sunday School teacher doesn't even bring a snack? Me. I finally let them in the backyard to run wild, since my dad was preaching and I knew it would be a very long one. The backyard of the church was very small, guarded with a tall wood privacy fence, so they couldn't get far. Unless, they climbed over it. I should've known they were more than capable of that. When church dismissed, the kids were so happy to get to their parents. I don't know why.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me...

I didn't give it much thought, since I was under the impression I had just covered for my sister and wouldn't have to worry about teaching another Sunday School class, the rest of my life. Was I in for a surprise. Apparently, God had something else in store. He's a funny guy. My sister had to work late again, the next week, except this time, she gave me a couple days notice, instead of two hours. I almost cried when she asked me. I could only picture those little faces just staring at me, across the room. Why did I tell her I would? Because, it was home missions and you do everything in home missions, if you're the pastor's kid, that's why. 

"We have no drummer. Can you play?'
"I can't even clap on beat. Sure."

"The usher isn't going to be here, tonight. I need you to do it."
"We have an usher?"

"You're singing, today."
"I'd rather gargle gravel, but ok."

"Oh yeah, you're running the soundboard."
"We have 5 people. Do we even need sound?"

"Your dad is sick. You're going to say a word."
"Do you care anything about this church?"

Can I get an "amen"?

Not a quitter...

I'm stubborn. VERY stubborn. I also, hate when I feel like I've failed at something. I'm not perfect but when I know I have the capability of doing better and I fail, I get mad. So, when my sister asked me to teach this second week, home girl wasn't playin'. I made up in my mind that I wasn't going to have 10 little eyes staring at me, as they drank their water. I went to the big dogs. I mean, dog. It's not like we had a pastoral staff, at this time. My dad was that dog. BIG DOG. Let me clarify. When I asked him if I could have some church money to get a few Sunday school supplies, I'm not sure who was more surprised. Him or I. He looked at me as if I had grown two heads. I explained to him, as if I knew what I was talking about, that in order to have an impacting kids ministry, in addition to water as a snack, we were going to need a few supplies. Again, he looked at me like I had grown two heads. He gave me the church card and told me to get what I needed. It's a really good thing I wasn't a seasoned Sunday school teacher, otherwise the church would still be paying off that bill. I made a trip to the Christian bookstore and stocked up. I had no clue what I was doing. I grabbed the first thing I could identify with, when I was a kid in Sunday school. The. Big. Giant. Felt. Board. I bought the whole thing. Every felt Bible character, animal, fruit, tree, flower, rod, Jesus sandal, you name it. This thing was going down. Oh, I wasn't done. I went and bought craft supplies and SNACK! Those poor little kids weren't going to have to drink water, again. I never stopped to even think, "Charity, why are you putting so much energy into this? You're only covering one class.". I had done a successful job of buying supplies, but I had no clue what to teach them. Let's see. I have like 3,492 Bible characters I can play with on this felt board. I decided to start with the basics. Adam and Eve. Yes, they heard it last week, but not with the super cool felt board. 

Hook, line and sinker...

I think I scared the kids. Pretty sure it was the fact they had something other than water, as snack. I had the whole enchilada. Songs, games, craft and when I brought out the felt board, I lost count of the "ooh's and ahh's". I seriously felt like a hero. I completely forgot about everything else going on around me, except bringing that story to life. There was no time to even go outside and play. Bummer.

When church was dismissed, we all just stood there, looking at each other. It dawned on me. I didn't want the kids to leave and they didn't want to leave. I could feel something pull at my heart and I knew it wasn't because I had brought in craft supplies, snack other than water or the very cool felt board. 

God has a funny and unique way of reeling you in. Sometimes, there's no tiptoeing through the tulips. It's right there like a neon sign, staring you right in the face, because God knows that individual is strong enough to accept it. Other times, it's subtle and gentle and sneaks up on you, without you even knowing it. All I know is, I got played.

The following week, I ASKED, if I could teach...

Until next week...




  1. Love it. Love you and proud of you

  2. I. Love. This.

    You are an inspiration - please keep sharing. We're reading & impacted by your words!

  3. Beautiful! This is why after 12 years (yes I was 15) in still involved in bus ministry!! Yeah it's not been fun with two small kids, especially now when one is fighting cancer, but we're still here!! This pretty much coincides with our bus meeting this morning. Thank you for spilling your heart! You've helped me today :)

  4. I can completly empathize with how, in small churches, it's extremely easy to become roped into something completly out of our comfort zones...all's we can say is "yes,Lord" and follow...
